Consulta OnLine (periodico online) ISSN 1971-9892















Il riconoscimento di “forme e condizioni particolari di autonomia” in materia di commercio con l’estero secondo un’interpretazione costituzionalmente e internazionalmente orientata dell’art. 116 Cost.



This essay examines the “particular forms and conditions of autonomy”, mainly concerning the foreign trade sector, provided for by Article 116 of the Italian Constitution. In this sense, it compares the forms and conditions of “special autonomy”, already recognised (even if never implemented) in the matter, with those of “differentiated autonomy” that aspire to be recognised in our legal system, noting their relevant differences also in relation to their respective degree of compatibility with the prescriptions of the regulation in force. The essay therefore concludes by observing that a constitutionally and internationally oriented interpretation of Article 116 of the Italian Constitution can only legitimise “particular forms and conditions of autonomy” aimed at overcoming situations of regional disadvantage that cannot be achieved through the exercise of the “ordinary” statutory functions of the Regions. In this sense, the provisions of this article can be well reconciled with the “special” forms and conditions of autonomy already recognised in our State today, which (if implemented) will make it possible to address the structural and permanent regional problems for which they were instituted; on the other hand, it may also be considered compatible with the recognition of “additional” and “extraordinary” forms and conditions of autonomy provided that they are aimed at enabling, the territorial entity invested with them, to overcome supervening and contingent situations of disadvantage.




Il ricorso per conflitto tra poteri dello Stato e l’eccesso giurisdizionale. Limiti e presupposti



The paper addresses the problem of excessive jurisdictional power. In particular, the possibility of appealing to the Constitutional Court to have the violation ascertained is analysed.




L’incostituzionalità delle «disposizioni irrimediabilmente oscure». Riflessioni a margine di Corte cost., sent. n. 110/2023



This paper analyzes the judgment of the Italian Constitutional Court no. 110/2023, which has affirmed that irremediably-obscure legal rules are invalid for the violation of art. 3 of the Constitution. The article examines critical elements of the decision and purposes an alternative exegetical solution, which can be identified in the principle of certainty of law.




Una legge «radicalmente oscura» è incompatibile con la Costituzione. Nota a Corte costituzionale, sentenza n. 110/2023



The Constitutional Court, with its judgment n. 110/2023, returns to the issue of the quality of legislation. The case law on the subject has often been vague, because of the difficulty of seeking a constitutional parameter that would allow the Court to sanction the obscure law. With the pronunciation in comment seems to have found a wider perspective for the union of constitutionality through art. 3 Cost.




L’obbligo di vaccinazione contro il Covid-19 nel bilanciamento fra i diritti e i doveri costituzionali



The essay, also written to honour the memory of Professor Gladio Gemma, dwells on the collective interest to health and on the paradigmatic case of the compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 imposed on certain categories of subjects. The introduction of such an obligation through an act with the force of law, then converted into an Act of Parliament, the purpose of protecting public health and the most fragile persons, and the absence of forced subjection to treatment are elements that highlight the certain constitutional legitimacy of the legislation in question, as held by much of the doctrine, including Gladio Gemma. In fact, in the end, the Constitutional Court also sanctioned the legitimacy of the Covid vaccination obligation, in its rulings No. 14 and No. 15 of 2023.




Neurodiritti: ambiguità della “libertà cognitiva” e prospettive di tutela



The progress of neurosciences and neurotechnologies led to the proposal of new neurorights to react to the unusual need for protection aroused by the risks of technological interference. The contribution deals with the critical perspectives and dogmatic questions of neurorights, starting first from the relationships between cognitive sciences and the conceptual categories of legal culture, therefore, investigating the practices of neurotechnologies and the possible risks for the rights of the person and the normative dimension currently referable to this area (in biolaw, in criminal procedure, and on the data protection front). Based on these analyses, we examine the main proposals in the field of neurorights. Then, we analyze the conditions and limits of the affirmation of new dimensions of protection in the broader framework of the theoretical-general reflection.




Il tentativo fallito di equiparare agricoltura biologica e biodinamica: un caso per riflettere sull’opportunità d’introdurre la consulenza scientifica in Parlamento



The aim of this paper is to analyse the information imbalance between institutions and practical reality through the study of a concrete case. The law intended to equate the method of biodynamic farming with that of organic farming allows for a cross-cutting investigation. The issue involves themes that are now essential to the constitutional debate: the relationship between politics and science, legislative discretion and the problem of constraints arising from notions borrowed from technology and science. Furthermore, the analysis of the instrument of the informal hearing in the parliamentary enquiry leads the research to question the appropriateness of introducing scientific advice in Parliament. An operation perhaps required to balance the forementioned information asymmetry.




Lavoro pubblico “contrattualizzato”: responsabilità per ritardata assunzione



The purpose of this essay is to address the issue of damage from delay in hiring of a public employee. The delay may be due to the adoption of unlawful administrative measures in the course of the procedure or to the lack of founds to be able to proceed with recruitment.

The majority jurisprudence qualifies the liability of the public administration for delayed hiring of public employee as non-contractual liability, to which, however, it applies the schemes of pre-contractual liability, since, generally, in the terms that will be illustrated, it grants compensation for negative interest only. It should be kept in mind that delayed recruitment of a public employee does not only result in harm to the candidate placed in service with delay. In fact, this particular case involves the onset of additional problems, such as the possible violation of the articles 3 and 51 of the Constitution and increased workload for other public employees working at the same public entity that has delayed hiring a new employee, with the possibility that, due to the failure to achieve the objectives ascertained by the performance evaluation procedure, managerial liability also arises.




Il diniego e la revoca del permesso di soggiorno come misure afflittive per la mancata integrazione nella comunità accogliente dello straniero socialmente pericoloso: a margine di TAR Emilia-Romagna, Parma, sez. I, 6.12.2022, n. 346



The contribution, based a broad jurisprudence, highlights the essential profile of the duties and responsibilities which, in the ambit of the foreigner's integration process, goes hand in hand with the profile of the protection of fundamental rights. Especially with regard to those who are in Italy for purely economic reasons or in situations of irregularity or illegality, it does not appear unreasonable to request, from the first entry into the national territory, a greater degree of responsibility and the assumption of certain obligations towards the host community, and therefore a greater effort to integrate into the community itself, albeit with all the necessary precautions and graduating the degrees of responsibility according to the particular subjective situations.




ChatGPT e simili: questioni giuridiche ed implicazioni sociali



After clarifying what ChatGPT is, the essay examines its potential and the risks associated with its use. The focus moves to intellectual property, copyrights and patents in data acquisition. Particular attention is given to the importance of the data available to "the machine". In the final part, the author examines the ongoing debate on generative artificial intelligence, highlighting the ethical, social and historical issues that the rapid development of this tool entails.




Qualche ulteriore riflessione in tema di promulgazione e rinvio parziali delle leggi di conversione dei decreti-legge: dall’altruismo istituzionale ad un’auspicabile riscoperta della leale cooperazione



This paper starts from a new case of promulgation of a law complemented by a letter sent to the Presidents of the two branches of the Parliament and to the President of the Council of Ministers. It focuses on the current admissibility, in the Italian legal system, of a partial promulgation of the laws and, therefore, of a partial suspensive veto that the President of the Republic could exercise towards the laws. To give an answer to this question, the essay will analyze the Acts of the Constituent Assembly on the topic, the normative context and the custom the Presidents followed during the Republican history. Then, it will explore the (in)opportunity of the insertion of such an institute in the Italian Constitution and it will examine some aspects of the veto policy in relation to the laws that convert the governmental decrees.




La proporzionalità delle sanzioni amministrative nella giurisprudenza costituzionale: questioni di sostanza e questioni di processo (una riflessione a partire da Corte costituzionale, sentenza n. 40 del 2023)



The paper draws up a reflection regarding the proportionality of administrative sanctions starting from the most recent constitutional jurisprudence, in particular from sentence n. 40 of 2023. The reflection examines the topic from the aspect of both its substantive and procedural implications. Under the first point of view, reference is made to the qualification of proportionality as a right or as a principle and to the consequences of preferring one or the other definition. Under the second point of view, it is investigated the sustainability of the so-called “schema Modugno”, noting its critical points and proposing new rules of procedural method that impose recourse to “rime obbligate” only as an extrema ratio.




L’ergastolo ostativo che move la Corte costituzionale e l’altre stelle



This article takes inspiration from the constitutional trial on the obstructive life sentence, which, after two postponements to a fixed date waiting for the action of the lawmaker (ord. nn. 97/2021 and 122/2022), ended with the return to the referring Court due to ius superveniens (ord. n. 227/2022). The new legislation is of governmental origin: it is the Decree-Law No. 162/2022, adopted by the executive a few days before the hearing set for the discussion. In this way, the Court considered the warning to the “legislator” fulfilled even though the required intervention was acted by a (temporary) governmental decree-law and not by parliamentary law.

The constitutional story of the obstructive life sentence provides an opportunity to reflect both on the governmental legislation and on the dialogic-relational dimension of the Italian Constitutional Court, extended to the government.




Verità religiose e verità costituzionali a confronto: il profondo significato per la teoria giuridica di talune sostanziali convergenze



The paper highlights the features of convergence and sometimes real identity that are found between some truths of faith and some incontrovertible constitutional truths, starting from the one that sees in the human person a "metavalue", thus examining the corollaries that from it linearly descend. Particular attention is paid to the value of peace, understood in a broad sense, that is to say for the importance it assumes on the level of the relationship of the person with himself and with his fellow men, even before that of international relations. The study concludes with an examination of the deadly theoretical question relating to how to reconcile the conceptual and juridical specificity of each fundamental value with the vocation of all to structurally integrate each other.




Testi normativi e contesti istituzionali cose vere e meno vere a proposito dell’autonomia differenziata



Article 116, 3 sec., of the Italian Constitution has been designed to enable regions, disadvantaged by their geographical location, to eliminate or at least mitigate existing disadvantages in relation to neighboring regions. In this situation, there is only one Region: Veneto, which requested more autonomy, using the constitutional novel of 2001. It happened, however, that almost all the regions were activated, causing chaos, which generated, among the publicist's researchers, an impressive number of abstract elaborations. However, this contrasts with an indisputable premise: autonomy cannot be for everyone, but only for those who are culturally and psychologically autonomous. The Calderoli bill goes along those lines.




Brevi note in tema di diritto ad essere “medicalmente” dimenticato: il caso del diritto all’oblio oncologico



The right to be forgotten regarding oncological diseases protects so-called cancer survivors from those data that do not consider that the passage of a certain period of time since the last health treatment carried out can lead to their previous pathological state being forgotten, especially in the presence of treatments carried out for reasons inherent to loans or mortgages. A special discipline is envisaged in some states; for its part, the European Union foresees the approval of a law by member states by 2025. In Italy, after an initial attempt, a legislative initiative by CNEL is being discussed to introduce this right in favor of a particularly fragile category of individuals.




L’applicazione dell’art. 68, comma 1, Cost., quale “specchio” in cui si riflette il (complicato e conflittuale) rapporto fra politica e magistratura: è tempo di cambiare?



The paper analyses the matter of the “parliamentary unquestionability”, as provided by the art. 68, par. 1, of the Constitution. After the reform of the 1993 – which actually regarded only the “immunity” – the Constitutional Court severely and progressively restricted its jurisprudence regarding the application of the first of the aforementioned prerogatives, as a result – it is inferred – of the social and political crisis that led both to the constitutional reform and to a new balance between Parliament and Judiciary. Although such jurisprudence has shored up through the years, nowadays it is legitimate to ask if it still is currently related to the new forms of expression that characterize – also – the political communication: social media, etc. And then, if time has come to revise the positioning of the Constitutional Court on the “parliamentary unquestionability”.




Titolarità dei diritti fondamentali e società democratica



The essay, also written to honor the memory of Professor Gladio Gemma, dwells on the recognition of fundamental rights beyond citizenship. Dialoguing with Gemma's thought on the aims and limits of a constructive interpretation of constitutional rights of aliens, the paper focuses on the concepts of 'democratic societies' (within the ECHR) and 'constitutional pact' (within national legal orders) as normative backgrounds for interpreting and balancing operations of both the political bodies and the judiciary. It finally tests this theoretical framework in the paradigmatic case of the right to asylum and the access to territory.



Ancora un (notevole) avanzamento nella giustiziabilità del drafting legislativo (osservazioni minime a prima lettura di Corte cost. n. 110/2023)



The short paper highlights the innovations contained in decision no. 110/2023 of the Constitutional Court which finally establishes an autonomous parameter of validity for violations of legislative drafting.




La legge dimenticata. Le D   AT a cinque anni dalla loro introduzione



More than five years ago, Law N. 219/2017 came into force. This law transformed the principle of self-determination and the choice to refuse medical treatment into positive law. This law also regulated the directives capable of deciding ‘today for then’, which are now referred to as ‘Advance treatment provisions’. Not much time has elapsed since the approval of Law No. 219/2017, but this time allows us to make some considerations about it and the difficulties of its implementation. This difficulty is mainly due to the understanding of the legal institution, as can be deduced from the ‘Alfredo Cospito case’, which is already dramatic and susceptible to generates conflicts and disharmonies in the legal system.




L’autodeterminazione popolare nell’era digitale: tra opportunità normative e tecnologiche



The paper, after a brief introduction of the risks and opportunities entailed by the digital transformation process in respect of the right to vote, focuses on some legal (§ 4) and technological (§ 3) developments in order to understand in which terms they intersect with the constitutional purposes that referendum underlie (i.e. the strengthening of popular self-determination). In this last respect, any new right is requested but rather the enhancement of traditional principles and rights by means of further specific “qualifications” that aims at reinforcing both, the awareness and empowerment of the voter. Consequently, the pivotal issue falls on the implementation of those prerequisites that support the voter's ability to take “direct decisions” for the collective life by means of technological tools functional to his empowerment (what we deem could be found in the double arrangement between referendum and technological systems like blockchain and gamification), as well as by means of regulatory tools functional to his awareness (what we deem could be found in the address followed by some European initiatives that support equity and transparency).




Costituzione e verità (prime notazioni)



In the opinion of the author, the Constitution, alongside certain indisputable truths, refers to truths still in the making, the object of uncertain semantic reconstructions, dwelling on the relationship of mutual nourishment that exists between them and develops in experience. In this perspective, are examined some tenacious, albeit inexplicable, resistances opposed by political decision-makers and legislators to accepting some scientific truths and to offering them the opportunity to become constitutional truths. That is a matter of the fundamental right to the truth and of how it is placed before other fundamental rights. The study concludes with a brief reflection on the relationship between text and constitutional truths and on its developments as a consequence of the cultural habits of their recognition.




Gli ancora incerti contorni dell’omogeneità nella giurisprudenza costituzionale recente sul decreto-legge



The essay analyzes the recent Italian Constitutional Court case law concerning law-decrees, with specific reference to the concept of homogeneity. The paper aims to identify whether it is possible detecting some recurring elements in the constitutional jurisprudence concerning law-decrees conditions, in order to identify the violations of the principle of homogeneity in the forthcoming judicial cases.




La salvaguardia dello «status» nazionale delle confessioni religiose alla prova del principio eurounitario della libertà di stabilimento



The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that the grant of public subsidies to denominational private schools may be reserved for churches and religious societies recognized by a Member State. The Court has held that the recognition requirement under national law complies with EU law and, in particular, with article 49 TFEU (on the right of establishment), read in conjunction with Article 17(1) TFEU. According to the Author, this is the first time that the principle enshrined in Article 17(1) TFEU impacts on the scope of application of the basic principles of EU free market law.




Il tentativo di attuazione dell’autonomia differenziata: dal disegno di legge Calderoli alla legge di bilancio per il 2023



This paper analyzes some issues related to the implementation of the so-called differentiated regionalism in the light of the relevant provisions of the 2023 budget law for 2023 and the Calderoli draft law presented at the beginning of the XIX Legislature. In particular, the research tries to highlight the need to strengthen the role of the Parliament, the inadequacy of the funding mechanism, and the incorrect method of determining the essential levels of services and the financial resources.




Il modus operandi nella sent. n. 131 del 2022 della Corte costituzionale sul cognome dei figli a confronto con i sistemi della UE e della CEDU



The article relates the outcomes of Constitutional Judgment No. 131 of 2022 to those that have matured within the framework of well-known and established European systems, such as that of the EU and the ECHR. In this sense, it deals not only with the issue of the transmission of surnames to children, but also with closely related issues, such as equality and non-discrimination, personal identity and domestic violence in the light of the repercussions they have on minors and, more generally, on present and future young generations. The overall results of this survey show, therefore, that the elaboration effort made by our Constitutional Court if, on the one hand, it proves to be new and interesting, on the other hand, however, it has several limitations that make it necessary to complete it. An objective, the latter, that cannot be achieved without abandoning outdated and counterproductive operational models and, on the other hand, seeking solutions that can credibly and effectively resolve the current problems in full respect of the principles and values that revolve around the human person.
















Consulta OnLine (periodico online) ISSN 1971-9892