Consulta OnLine (periodico online) ISSN 1971-9892






gennaio – aprile









Il referendum del 23 giugno 2016 e la Brexit: possibili scenari evolutivi nel processo di integrazione europea



The article deals with the events that led to the referendum of 23 June 2016 – through which the British people decided to leave the European Union – and its implications on the more general context of the European Union.




«Marine Le Pen programme le coup d’Etat»



The article addresses the risks of an election of Marine Le Pen to the presidency of the Republic in France: risks for the democracy, also due to the impossibility of keeping promises within the constitutional legality.




Quali spazi per la legislazione regionale nella disciplina degli interventi di “manutenzione” degli immobili? (a margine di Corte cost. sent. n. 231/16)



The decision of the Constitutional Court commented in this article shows a substantive continuity with a previous jurisprudential stance – which has some criticalities – on the delimitation of state and regional competences in the construction sector. A perspective more open to requests for autonomy is therefore proposed, albeit with the constraint that this is reasonably consistent with the system and general purposes established by state legislation.




La Cassazione inopinatamente non applica il taglia-leggi (in margine a sent. n. 7976 del 2016)



The Supreme Court unexpectedly does not apply the cut-laws (in the margin of sent. No. 7976 of 2016)

This paper examines the exercise of the legislative power of the Regions in “urban planning”. It focuses as specially on interference between state and regional law concerning the «free building» interventions as interpreted by the Constitutional Court in the decision no. 231/16 (L.G.).




“Sentenza Italicum”: la Consulta tra detto, non considerato e lasciato intendere



«Italicum judgment»: the Constitutional Court between what has been  said, what has not been considered and what has been left implicit

The author focuses on the Constitutional Court's Dec. No. 35 of 2017, which declared the unconstitutionality of some aspect of the electoral system of the Chamber of Deputies introduced by Law No. 52/2015 (s.c. «Italicum»). It is demonstrated that the judgment constitutes a further and probably irreversible step in the path that  led the Constitutional Court, under certain conditions, to become an  electoral judge (L.T.).




«Non gli è lecito separarmi da ciò che è mio»: riflessioni sulla maternità surrogata alla luce della rivendicazione di Antigone



The study analyzes the legal issues arising from surrogate motherhood and the now predominant role assumed by the judiciary in a matter where targeted political choices would instead be necessary.




L’unica possibilità per evitare il ricorso immediato ai controlimiti: un rinvio pregiudiziale che assomiglia a una diffida (nota a Corte cost., ord. n. 24/2017)



The only possibility to avoid immediate recourse to counter-limits: a preliminary ruling that resembles a warning (known to the Court of Constitutional Court, Order No. 24/2017)

The order no. 24/2017 represents a fundamental step in the so called «Taricco saga», as it formally opens the exchange between the Italian Constitutional Court and the Court of Justice of the EU. Apart from the dialoguing nature of the instrument, its contents and even its tone are very confrontational, up to constitute a sort of ultimatum against the order of disapplication issued with the previous decision of the CJEU. For the very first time the ICC made use of the constitutional identity of the Member States as a limit to EU law, interpreting it in continuity with the doctrine of counterlimits (G.P.)




Pareggio di bilancio e diritti sociali: la ridefinizione dei confini nella recente giurisprudenza costituzionale in tema di diritto all’istruzione dei disabili



Budgetary balance and social rights: the redefinition of borders in the recent constitutional jurisprudence on the subject of the right to education of the disabled

Balance budget and social rights: the redefinition of the budgetary constraints for the right to education of disabled people in the recent constitutional jurisprudence. The author is in favor of prevalence of social right on budget balance, following the sentence n. 275/2016 of the Constitutional Court, that cancels the regional law of Abruzzo n. 15/2004 stating that the regional contribution for transportation of disabled students is limited by the financial availability.




Il principio di legalità in materia penale quale controlimite all’ordinamento eurounitario: una decisione interlocutoria (ma non troppo!) della Corte costituzionale dopo il caso Taricco



The principle of legality in criminal matters such as counter-limits to the Euro-EU system: an interlocutory decision (but not too much!) Of the Constitutional Court after the Taricco case

This paper proposes to highlight how, with the ord. n. 24 of 2017, the Constitutional Court has, with timely and unprecedented concreteness, raised the boundaries to the primacy of EU law in favor of the sovereignty of the States, “exposing” (but not yet “opposing”) the c.d. theory of counterlimits, providing the ECJ with hints to reach more mild advice on the principles enshrined in the judgment Taricco I, recalling it, in particular, to review its position on the substantial nature of the prescription attributed to the institution in the national system which, as such, is subject to the principle of legality pursuant to art. 25 Cost.(F.B.)




Ragionevoli disuguaglianze e riserva di legge



This paper comments decision no. 20 of 2020 of the Constitutional Court and highlights the peculiarities of the issue that led the Court to decide on the merits and avoid an inadmissibility decision




Ultimatum della Consulta alla Corte di giustizia su Taricco, in una pronunzia che espone, ma non ancora oppone, i controlimiti (a margine di Corte cost. n. 24 del 2017)



The subject-matter of this article is the order No. 24/2017 of the Italian Constitutional Court: a preliminary reference to the European Court of Justice on the interpretation of the so called Taricco rule. The Author considers this order as an ultimatum to the European Court of Justice, although given in a cooperative way: the Italian Constitutional Court simply explained the Italian counter-limits doctrine, but did not resort to it.




Luci e ombre nella sentenza Corte costituzionale n. 63 del 2016 (e nella connessa sentenza n. 52) tra affermazioni di competenza ed esigenze di sicurezza



The article focuses on Judgment No. 63/2016 of the Italian Constitutional Court which declared void some articles of a law enacted by the Lombardia Region. These articles did not comply with the principles of religious freedom and equality, due to the strict requirements for some religion confessions when establishing their places of worship. The Author supports the decision of the Italian Constitutional Court but also underlines some of its weaknesses.



La rappresentanza delle Regioni e l’insufficienza dei tradizionali organismi di concertazione (in particolare, la Conferenza Stato-Regioni e il Comitato delle Regioni). Prime osservazioni



This paper focuses on the representative democracy and direct democracy but, in particular, the core is the crisis of the political representation compared to the territorial representation. It also analyses the regional representative considering an “internal side” that is the role of the State-Regions Conference and arrangements and an “external side” that is the role of the Committee of the Regions. Then, some suggestions are given in order to make the regional representative substantial and effective (A.R.)




Sulla nozione di “estraneità al contesto normativo” della disposizione di risulta. Una riflessione “preventiva” sull’(in)ammissibilità del referendum sul c.d. Jobs Act



The article carries out an analysis in view of the decision of the Italian Constitutional Court on the referendum concerning the Italian so called Job Act. In the light of some precedents, the Author argues that the Constitutional Court should reject the request for the referendum, as it would produce new legislation extraneous to its legal context.



L’ordinanza 149 del 2016 della Corte costituzionale: un’occasione (mancata) per ripensare la struttura processuale – ed indi, la funzione – del giudizio per conflitto di attribuzioni fra Poteri dello Stato?



The order 149 of 2016 of the Constitutional Court: an occasion (missed) to rethink the procedural structure - and then the function - of the judgment for conflict of attributions between State Powers?

“Cirinnà-bis” in materia di unioni civili. Da tale episodio, la stura per riflettere sui “confini” del predetto sindacato – come delineati, soprattutto, dalla giurisprudenza – e sulla attualità dell’indirizzo ermeneutico – pressoché monoliticamente seguito dal Giudice costituzionale – di escludere la legittimazione del singolo parlamentare. Con particolare riferimento al Parlamento ed ai suoi membri, infatti, c’è da chiedersi se l’ipotesi di una maggiore “apertura” del conflitto possa effettivamente corrispondere all’esigenza di implementare il principio di leale cooperazione tra Poteri; e se la legittimazione attiva del singolo parlamentare possa indurre la enucleazione di “buone prassi” salvaguardando – da un lato – i principi costituzionali che filtrano la natura “democratica” dell’ordinamento repubblicano, attraverso i meccanismi tipici della c.d. “rappresentanza indiretta”, e – d’altro lato – il principio (supremo) di autonomia del Parlamento compendiato negli interna corporis acta; nonché – vieppiù – se “aprire le porte” del Parlamento ad un giudice “esterno”, foss’anche quello costituzionale, possa costituire strumento per riguadagnare, al Parlamento, la “centralità” istituzionale da tempo smarrita ed, indi, rivitalizzarne il ruolo di “perno” del dibattito politico nazionale (L.A. & R.D.M.)




La Consulta alla prova dell’Italicum: la via dell’autorimessione



The article focuses on the case, brought by many courts before the Italian Constitutional Court and concerning the unconstitutionality of the so-called-Italicum electoral law. The Author argues that the Constitutional Court could and should bring before itself a case concerning those profiles the courts has not dealt with.



L’insussistenza del diritto vivente al momento della rimessione e il suo mutamento successivo (nota a Corte costituzionale n. 92 del 2016)



The article focuses on the impact of changes to the “living law” (“diritto vivente”) on the process before the Italian Constitutional Court, when such changes happen after a question of unconstitutionality has already been raised before the Court.









a Aa.Vv., La prova del NO. Il sistema politico italiano dopo il referendum costituzionale, a cura di Andrea Pritoni, Marco Valbruzzi e Rinaldo Vignati. Rubettino ed. Soveria Mannelli, 2016, pp. 198; ISBN: 9788849850611



This contribution reviews the volume titled “La prova del NO. Il sistema politico italiano dopo il referendum costituzionale” (Andrea Pritoni, Marco Valbruzzi and Rinaldo Vignati eds.). The book gather analysis and research carried out by several Italian scholars and dealing with the referendum of 4 December 2016 and its interpretation.










Consulta OnLine (periodico online) ISSN 1971-9892