Consulta OnLine (periodico online) ISSN 1971-9892






maggio – agosto








La Svezia moderna a metà strada e l’istituzione del bicameralismo



Modern Sweden halfway and the establishment of bicameralism

The paper takes its cue from the 150th anniversary of the Swedish Constitution, noting confirmations and progress with respect to the previous constitutional regime



La nascita dell’Argentina moderna



The paper recalls the birth of modern Argentina following the declaration of independence of 8 July 1816, emphasizing the events that have distinguished it







La Corte Edu e i giudici comuni nella prospettiva della recente giurisprudenza costituzionale



The paper examines the effects deriving from the judgments of the ECtHR on national courts, in the light of the most recent jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court. 




Il complesso rapporto tra il giudice costituzionale e il dibattito extra-giuridico, in relazione al problema della ricerca scientifica sugli embrioni



The paper concerns the decision no. 84/2016 of the Italian Constitutional Court, which regards the prohibition of scientific research on embryos. The Court has to face an ethical dilemma, about which there are conflicting ideas. In this case, the Court takes a neutral approach, but it is unsuitable for the Italian Constitution (B.B.)




La (parziale) riconversione delle “questioni di interpretazione” in questioni di legittimità costituzionale



The judgment of the Constitutional Court n. 111/2016 represents a revirment with respect to the previous constitutional jurisprudence on the obligation of the true interpretation, since with it would seem that the judge “a quo”, although the obligation to try to prevent the antinomy is always imposed, should no longer "prefer" the true interpretation. So the paper aims to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this new hermeneutic approach, within what appears to be a tendency, more generally, to centralize the judgment by the constitutional judge, with the recovery of the foundations of modern constitutionalism




Lo “spacchettamento”: una (inammissibile) ipotesi lesiva del legittimo affidamento dei promotori del quesito



The paper reconstructs the issue of the so-called "Unpacking" of the referendum question which experienced a recent moment of renewed scientific and public debate on the occasion of the confirmatory referendum for the so-called constitutional reform project "Renzi-Boschi", with the analysis of a stimulating comparison between the two main opposite doctrinal orientations.




Agenzie di rating e impatto sulla sovranità



This short article examines the sovereign credit ratings that is the credit rating released from credit rating Agencies where the entity rated or where the issuer of the debt or financial obli-gation is a State or a regional or local authority of a State or an international organization created by the State. During the financial and economic crisis sovereign credit ratings both in Europe and in Latin America shows deficiencies and some concerns for a lot of basic categories of constitution-al law, because for example the publication of sovereign ratings or outlooks and the disclosure  of rating changes affects the reliability of States, without any accountability of rating Agencies, evenif the ratings have proven often to be inaccurate. By  using  the  provisions  of  the  Article  5  of  Regulation  (EU)  No  1060/2009,  on  the  equivalence and certification based on equivalence, between credit rating Agencies, registered in the European Union and credit rating Agencies established in third countries, the article realized a first compari-son with States like Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, with the aim to prove that there cannot be power without  responsibility,  and  this  also  concerns  the  power  of  the  most  powerful  actors  in  the  age  of globalization, like credit rating Agencies (G.G.)




Cosa sono i diritti fondamentali e da chi e come se ne può avere il riconoscimento e la tutela



The work discusses the notion of “fundamental rights” within the Italian legal system, taking into consideration the role of the “dialogue among courts” as well. First of all, the Author focuses on definitions and on the very concept of “fundamental” as regards rights. Second, issues arising from the need to protect these rights are investigated. In this regard, specific attention is devoted to the dialogue among courts, shedding light on the fact that the (praiseworthy) attempt to “maximize” the protection of rights might hide some risks for the certainty of law. As a conclusion, the Author presents some considerations on the “work in progress” nature of “enlarged” protection of rights, going beyond national jurisdictions.




Unioni civili e convivenze di fatto: “famiglie” mascherate? (Nota minima su una questione controversa e sulla sua discutibile risoluzione da parte della legge n. 76 del 2016)



The present contribution deals with civil partnerships and de facto relationships, which are regulated by law no. 76/2016. The aim of this work is to discuss whether this law complies with the Constitution and with the paradigm of “family” which results from “living constitutional law”, being the latter the product of the Constitutional Court’s case law as well as of ordinary courts’ decision and of praxis.




A proposito dello “statuto costituzionale del minore” (brevi riflessioni a margine di alcune “novità” nel dibattito parlamentare e nella giurisprudenza comune)



The article, after giving account of the state of the art in the field of medically assisted procreation of a heterologous type, takes stock of the main innovations introduced by Law no. n. 76/2016 and on the innovative judgments of some judges of merit who have attempted, in some cases with "creative" ideas, a “concrete” definition of the interest of the minor, even beyond the normative data.




Le intercettazioni delle comunicazioni interpersonali (un vademecum costituzionale)



Interceptions of interpersonal communications (a constitutional vademecum)

The work focuses on the regulation of interceptions in the light of constitutional jurisprudence and taking into account the new information technologies




L’intervento nei conflitti costituzionali: porta chiusa al deputato e porta aperta al consigliere regionale?(Corte costituzionale 9 giugno 2015, n. 107)



With the decision of the Constitutional Court n. 107 of 2015, the intervention of the regional councilor who had demonstrated the existence of an "interest" in the cause was admitted in the constitutional conflict by the State and the Regions. The article, therefore, analyzes the possibility that said expanded constitutional contradictory could "open the doors" to the admission of the intervention of the parliamentarian in the conflict of attribution between powers of the State pursuant to art. 68 of the Constitution














Consulta OnLine (periodico online) ISSN 1971-9892